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Smoke exposure


Emergency rule to protect workers who are exposed to wildfire smoke on the job.

On July 16, L&I adopted an emergency rule to protect workers who are exposed to wildfire smoke on the job. This rule is effective from July 16, 2021 through November 13, 2021. Click the link below to read these new emergency rules. Worker Health and Smoke Breathing in wildfire smoke can lead to a range of health problems. These include:
  • Persistent coughing

  • Phlegm

  • Wheezing

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Reduced lung function

  • Bronchitis

  • Aggravated asthma

  • Heart failure, and

  • Early death

Some employees have an even higher risk of health effects from smoke exposure. Health factors such as heart and lung disease, tobacco use, diabetes, pregnancy, and even a worker’s age can all put a worker at higher risk of adverse health effects when working near wildfire smoke. If you or your employees need testing or treatment for on-the-job smoke exposure, contact us for an appointment today! We are here to serve you and get you back to work safe and fast.

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